Growth through commitment
Identifying themselves as an agriculture business, Ca' Rugate focuses on nature first and foremost. Their commitment has led them to completely forgoing the use of chemical fertilizers in 2004, and enlisting the expertise of technicians in the environmental field for support.
In the northern stretch of Verona lies their Valpolicella zone, which stretches into the equally significant regions of Soave and Lessini Durello. These diverse landscapes play a crucial role in creating the unique and recognizable character found across their extensive range of wines.
"A hundred years of love for the land don’t just make the vines grow"
In the beginning of the 20th century, Amedeo Tessari, recognized the exceptional quality of his land and began supplying wine to the family inn. Over the years the vineyards grew and his son, Fulvio “Beo” Tessari, invested in new concrete vats and big barrels, leading to the first official winery in 1950. Across generations, and acquiring acre by acre, the legacy of Ca’ Rugate has evolved into the present day.

What They Offer

Explore Veneto with Ca' Rugate